Ways of ASIA TRANS to improve current local shipping industry in order to succeed in the industry.

     As we have been said before, ASIA TRANS SDN BHD has so many equipment and challenges to maintain in the market . But if they capable of doing something, here is what can they do to improve current local shipping industry in order to succeed in the industry.

Figure 1 : Money

    First things first, having a lot of money from various sources such as profit, bank loans, etc , is crucial to being capable. Without money, a business cannot be successfully operated or achieve great success. When you have money, you hold the power. Therefore, if ASIA TRANS has a lot of money or unlimited funds, they will make some enhancement to the shipping industry.

Figure 2 : Warehouse

   For the first, ASIA TRANS will build a lot of warehouses if they have a lot of money. This is because in from their perspective, warehouses provide a secure and controlled environment for the storage of goods. For companies that need to store goods in between production and distribution, this is especially crucial. Effective inventory control in warehouses will minimizes overstocking, cuts down on stockouts, and helps ensure product availability.

Figure 3 : Side Loader Truck

The next thing that ASIA TRANS will do if they are capable is upgrading their facilities and equipment because for now they do not have that much equipment and facilities. Upgrading these two is important to the company because it will increases operational effectiveness. Modern machinery is frequently quicker, more dependable, and more energy-efficient, which can lead to lower operating costs and higher productivity.The precision, quality control, and automation provided by newer equipment and facilities may result in higher product quality. Both the company's reputation and customer satisfaction may increase as a result.This is also because of rapid development of technology.Various industries are being rapidly changed by technological advancements. Investing in new technologies enables businesses to take advantage of improved data collection, automation, and connectivity, among other advantages.

Figure 4 : Cargo Ship

Apart from that, ASIA TRANS already had a dream to own a lot of cargo ship.This is because they want to have ownership of the ship so they can take fully control of the ship. When they own their cargo, they have complete control over its handling, delivery, and transportation. This is particularly crucial when working with delicate or expensive goods but their cargo solutions can be customized to meet spesific requirements. For instance, they can create custom packaging or containers that are ideal for their products, guaranteeing that they will arrive in top shape.The most important reason for having their own ship is because there is less chance of theft, damage, or tampering during transit because ASIA TRANS have more control over cargo security. This is especially important for expensive or delicate goods.

Figure 5 : Business Expansion

Lastly, if ASIA TRANS is capable of doing something, they will expand their business. A business expansion can be a smart strategic choice with many benefits and opportunities. Increased sales can result in higher revenue and profit for your company, which can be attained by expanding. This is frequently the main driving force behind expansion of ASIA TRANS. Beside that , ASIA TRANS wants to increase the awareness and recognition of their brand. More customers can be drawn in and brand reputation can be enhanced with a larger presence. Futhermore, ASIA TRANS might get the chance to work with others in ways that weren't previously possible, which could improve their service or market reach and might get the chance to work with others in ways that weren't previously possible, which could improve your products or market reach and they want to  increases the appeal of their company to stakeholders or potential investors because it shows that it has room for growth and can raise valuations.


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